AgriLink is a multi-actor project funded by The European Union aiming to help stimulate the transition towards more sustainable agriculture by improving, understanding of the role played by agricultural advisors in strengthening knowledge flows, enhancing learning and boosting of innovation on the wide variety of different farm types that exist in Europe. 

The Innovation Case Studies aim to understand why, how and from whom European farmers and farm managers gather and exchange information (their microAKIS) to underpin their decision-making regarding the adoption (or not) of different types of innovation.  This work was undertaken in 26 focus regions and in relation to 8 innovation areas.  On the AgriLink website are now uploaded the 13 Synthesis Country Reports that were prepared by all the AgriLink partners. These reports provide in-depth qualitative and quantitative insights on the micro-AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems at the farmer micro scale) supporting farmer’s decision-making related to innovation uptake, with a focus on the role played by advisors. A total of 32 case studies were conducted in 13 European countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Each case study addresses a specific innovation area from a set of nine clusters comprising ICT innovations (milking robots, drones, intelligent irrigation sensors and precision farming); Biological pest control innovative farming practices for plant protection; Soil improvement cropping systems; Non-technological innovations related with marketing, financial and organisational aspects, grouped into four areas, retro-innovation, introduction of new crops, direct marketing, and the developing of new activities in the farm; and finally social innovations, including collaborative arrangements for collective management of natural resources and for farm labour.

Italian Country report, prepared by Vinidea’s team describes the results of 3 Innovation Case studies. based on more than hundred interviews with farmers in 2 Focus Regions: Piacenza and Udine.