Tannin and colour measurement in grapes and wine can be challenging – and around the world different analytical methods are used. Two new fact sheets (one on grape analysis and one onwine analysis) have recently been added to the AWRI website, explaining how results from the WineCloudTM can be compared to those from other common methods.
The WineCloudTM incorporates the AWRI’s standard method (Iland et al. 2004) for the measurement of grape anthocyanins and phenolics, and a predictive algorithm based on the methyl cellulose precipitation (MCP) method developed by the AWRI (Dambergs et al. 2012) for the measurement of tannin.
See the published fact sheets at the AWRI website:
“Measuring grape colour, phenolics and tannins using different analytical methods”
Dambergs, R.G., Mercurio, M.D., Kassara, S., Cozzolino, D., Smith, P.A. Rapid measurement of methyl cellulose precipitable tannins using ultraviolet spectroscopy with chemometrics – application to red wine and inter-laboratory calibration transfer. Appl. Spectrosc. 66 (6): 656-664; 2012.
Iland, P., Bruer, N.; Wilkes, E., Edward, G. Anthocyanins (colour) and total phenolics of grape berries.Chemical Analysis of Grapes and Wine: Techniques and Concepts, 1st ed.; Winetitles: Broadview, Australia, 2004; pp 44.