The evaluation procedure of the research works candidates at the OENOPPIA SIVE AWARD 2019, a competition promoted by the Italian Society of Viticulture and Oenology to foster dialogue between research and production in the wine sector, was completed.

The Research for Development Awards are the result of collaboration with Assoenologi, Fondazione Edmund Mach and Oenoppia.

Distinctive character of the SIVE Award is the primary role given to agronomists and oenologists in the definition of the winners, previously selected by a qualified Scientific Committee, composed in 2019 of 49 scientists (26 Italian, 16 European and 8 from extra-EU wine countries).

The presentation of the selected candidates to the technicians took place at Enoforum, the biennial conference, a privileged place for meeting and dialogue between technicians, researchers and suppliers of the international wine sector, which celebrated its twelfth edition in Vicenza in 2019 with the participation of over 1200 people.

The SIVE OENOPPIA AWARD 2019 is dedicated to International Research and has reached the fourth edition, after its establishment in 2013;  it is sponsored by the association Oenoppia, gathering the main world actors in production and development of oenological products, on line with its policy of active contribution to the progress of scientific knowledge in favor of the wine industry.

Thirty-seven research works scientific works from 22 research groups from different countries were competing for the Award 2019, 15 of which were selected by the Scientific Committee to be presented orally at Enoforum 2019.

The winner is Antonio Morata of ETSIAAB, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), who, together with his colleagues Iris Loira, María Antonia Bañuelos, Anna Puig-Pujol, Buenaventura Guamis, Carmen González, José Antonio Suárez-Lepe, presented the results of his research on the theme “Use of ultra-high pressure homogenization (UHPH) in winemaking. Microbial control and effects in sensory quality“. The work concerns the transfer of a technology used in food processing to oenology, with the treatment of the must to control before fermentation the potentially contaminating microorganisms and thus reduce the addition of sulfites.

The 7.500 € prize, devolved to research fund of the laboratory is funded by the international association Oenoppia.

Other research works ranked after the winner, but obtained very high evaluation scores and deserve to be mentioned:

  • Managing vineyard variability by variable rate fertilization. Different fertilizers lead to different results,
    Matteo Gatti, Alessandra Garavani, Cecilia Squeri, Irene Diti, Tommaso Frioni, Stefano Poni, DI.PRO.VE.S., Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza
  • Approaches limitating the cell wall polysaccharides‐tannin interactions,
    Encarna Gomez-Plaza, Andrea Osete-Alcaraz, Ana Belén Bautista-Ortín, Department of Food Science and Technology, Universidad de Murcia
  • The effect of CMC and sucrose addition at dosage stage on the foam of sparkling wine,
    Matteo Marangon, Mark Crumpton, Andrew Alkinson, DAFNAE – Università di Padova
  • Wine grape ripeness assessment using Hyperspectral Imaging,
    Pedro Melo-Pinto, Véronique Gomes, Armando Fernandes, Ana Mendes-Ferreira, CITAB, Universidade de Tras-os- Montes e Alto Douro

The videos of the finalist works will soon be published on

The SIVE AWARDS “research for development” are granted on the basis of the judgment expressed by wine industry stakeholders.  
Two SIVE Award has been established:

  • VERSINI Award since 2007 (called VERSINI ASSOENOLOGI starting from 2017), reserved to Italian researchers, with a grant of with a grant of € 5.500
  • OENOPPIA Award, established in 2013 and open to scientists of any country, with a grant of € 7.500

The winners of the past editions were: