Company name, location, surface area: Azienda Villa Rosa, 20 ha, Bacedasco Basso (Vernasca)

3 key words to describe your company and business philosophy: Passion, tradition and innovation

Do you consider intra-parcel variability to be a recurring problem in your estate? It is a fairly recurring problem, which is expressed first and foremost in non-uniform ripening.

Which grape varieties do you consider most sensitive to such problems? Bonarda (Croatina), Ortrugo, Malvasia di Candia. These problems are rather related to the type of soil, not directly to the varieties.

Do you think that intra-parcel variability affects the economic performance of your company? Yes, non-uniform ripening requires us to harvest grapes in a more targeted manner, during the harvest we have to enter the same vineyard several times, this represents important costs for the company.

Have you ever tackled the issue of intra-parcel variability with traditional techniques (from pre-planting choices to annual management in the vineyard and/or cellar)? We have dealt with it in a fairly limited way, for example, using different fertilisation quantities for different zones.

Did you have any experience with precision viticulture before joining the RIPRESO Operations Group? No.

What do you expect from the RIPRESO project? A lot of experience! I hope to evaluate the innovative techniques to be applied in order to deal with variability that I can adopt on my own estate.