Brettanomyces bruxellensis can make some red wines smell like a horse blanket that has been stored in a metal Band-Aids® box. Any, or a combination of all of these flavors and aromas can be found in affected wines harboring this yeast. Dekkera/Brettanomyces has been known to inhabit many specialized environments including tree sap, dairies, breweries, and most notably the winery environment. There are currently five accepted species of Dekkera/Brettanomyces: D. (B.) bruxellensis, B. custersianus, D. anomalus, B. naardenensis, and B. nanus. These genera were re-classified from multiple isolates after having been given various synonyms throughout the history of mycology. Conserved gene sequence analysis and traditional biochemical tests were recently used to re-classify this group.