The WISHELI project: development of new production technics to improve the shelf life of white wines from the Umbrian region in Italy – what is the market asking today to a white wine and what are the technical consequences?
The WISHELI project was presented the 23rd of May during the Enoforum congress that brought together more than 1200 peoples. The project has received funding as a part of the Rural Development Plan from Umbria’s region (measure 16 – undermeasure 16.1). Its aims to find new production technics to improve the shelf-life of white wines in Umbria and to develop a test to predict the shelf-life of a wine lot in a simple way.
The enologist Nicola Biasi on behalf of Famiglia Cotarella, the leader of the operative group WISHELI, explained the meaning of shelf-life as being the time during which a wine is able to maintain its organoleptical characteristics. This concept is often linked with the wine oxidation, the oxidation does not need to be total to cause a decrease of the properties which makes a wine different from another one.
Then Nicola Biasi focused on each actor of the value chain: consumer, importer and distributor, wineries and wine makers giving details on their expectations and their skills.
The WISHELI project team is composed by the wineries Famiglia Cotarella, Monrubio, Terre della Custodia, Castello delle regine, the ISVEA laboratory, Impresa Verde and the University from La Tuscia (DIBAF department)
For more information on the WISHELI project contact ISVEA (