During the years 1998-1999 a research was carried out in order to assess the effects of GLRaV-3 virus on main characteristics of grape production of Merlot, Carmenére and Cabernet sauvignon. From the veraison to the harvest samples of berries for the must chemical analysis were collected and symptoms on leaves were observed every seven days. Symptoms on the leaves showed to be more severe close to harvest. Chemical analysis of the musts, showed lower pH values and sugar content on must obtained from berries collected from infected plants. In this latter case, a higher total acid concentration – especially with regards to malic acid- was observed. The anthocyanin content of the berries skin showed to always be higher for berries collected from non infected plants. The disease symptoms were lighter on C. sauvignon as regards to Merlot and Carmenére. In conclusion, GLRAV-3 induced modification on the main organoleptic features of the musts especially on Merlot and Carmenére cultivars. (We advise you to read the entire article. Original Title: Effetti del virus GLRAV-3 dell’accartocciamento fogliare sulle produzioni di tre vitigni.)