In 2012, several resolutions were adopted, the most important was the resolution OIV-OENO 485-2012, a revision of the monograph on enzymatic preparations. The most significantly aspect of this resolution is the possibility to use products derivated not only from microorganism, but also from animals and plants.
This video seminar gives an overview of the OIV resolutions on enzymes and explains the changes in the European law.
It also describes the practical applications of enzymes for the treatment of white and red wines with advanced enzymatic profiles and analyzes the importance of wine cinnamoyl esterase enzymes.

“Review of the OIV resolution, implementation of the new enzymatic regulation of the European Community” German Haßelbeck , AMFEB, OIV Expert (A)
“New frontiers for enzymes in white and red vinification of wines” Rolf Stocké , Erbsloeh Geisenheim AG.
The seminar reproduced in this video was presented at the 8th edition of Enoforum (Arezzo, Italy, 7-9 May 2013) in the session Organized in collaboration with the ERBSLOEH
The video-seminar is conceived as a true professional update course lasting more than 15 minutes. Therefore, before starting to watch the video, we recommend that you prepare yourself for a uninterrupted session (ex. make sure you are free of all other engagements for the whole duration, turn off your cell phone and be equipped with materials to take notes).
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