Patrice Pellerin
Anna Brull

The main enzymatic activities of enzyme preparations used during winemaking are already well known. The main interest of enzymes used for the degradation of cell walls  is to extract higher amounts of phenolic compounds, as well as to release aromatic precursors.

One aspect of red winemaking, that has been studied only in a limited manner, is potassium extraction during the maceration phase. This release of potassium can negatively affect the wine pH and hence its acidity level.

After the descriptions Patrice Pellerin gives of the different aspects behind enzyme production (research, equipment, machinery and legislation), Anna Brull presents the results of a study completed by Vitec which aimed to evaluate the impact of maceration enzymes on wine quality parameters such as: pH, total acidity, potassium release, phenolic compounds and chromatic characteristics.

The seminar reproduced in this video was presented at the 9th edition of Enoforum (Vicenza, Italy, 5-7 May 2015). Seminar sponsored by Corimpex