The conference brought together farmers, advisors, researchers, policy makers, and other actors who had a plenty of opportunities to exchange their experiences and gain new knowledge.
By following the links you can find the reporting video, speakers’ presentations and biographies, and the materials from the conference sessions:
- Reporting video
- 3 video’s of the day
Introduction to FarmDemo
The view of Farmers & Advisors
The view of Policy makers
- Presentations and relevant links
Farm Demo Conference – Inge Van Oost.pdf
Farm Demo Presentation – coordinators.pdf
Theme 1_Increase the access to your demo.pdf
Theme 2_Interaction and experience.pdf
Theme 3_Group dynamics.pdf
Theme 4_Monitoring and evaluation.pdf
Theme 5 _Raising demo impact_case study.pdf
Theme 5 _Raising demo impact_presentation.pdf
Theme 6_Demonstrations in the wider AKIS.pdf
Theme 7_Policy recommendations.pdf
Activity 1_Discover the virtual demonstration farm
Activity 2_Explore the inventory of demonstration Farms
Activity 3_Training kit for on-farm demonstrations
Activity 3_Design guide for on-farm demonstrations
Activity 4_Case studies in depth
Activity 5_FarmDemo Networks
Activity 6_Guidelines for Video Demonstration
Activity 6_Training kit for Video Demonstration
Activity 7_Register to FarmDemo
Activity 7_Tutorials to register