The invention relates to probes or probe mixtures, which enable a safe and simple identification of the Oenococcus species. The probes are constructed in such a way that they provide a suitable signal for detection, e.g. a good fluorescent yield. The invention also relates to a method for detecting and/or differentiating a species of bacteria belonging to the Oenococcus genus and the use thereof, e.g. in wine production for example. (We advise you to read the entire article. Original title : Gene probes for the detection of the Oenococcus)
Abstract The management and disposal of large amounts of grape..
Ayuso, S.1 Fernández-Pérez, R.2 Moreta, C.1 Tenorio, Carmen and 1Ruiz-Larrea,..
The demand for a sustainable economy and resource conservation is..
The seasonal character of harvests limits winemaking considerably, especially oenological..