Trials were conducted on Barbera musts to assess polyphenol absorption capacity of wine yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) strains and their effects on colour, composition and sensory properties of the wines. A winemaking technique with delayed extraction of anthocyanins was used. 6 wine yeast strains (5 commercially available, 1 experimental) were used. There was no evidence for large yeast strain differences in polyphenols absorption or wine colour. The experimental yeast strain gave wine with a higher concentration of pigments not decolourable by SO2, and more fruity, smoother and less astringent sensory properties. Anthocyanins absorbed on the wine lees retained their reactivity during storage of the wines, and showed changes corresponding to those of anthocyanins in wines. (We advise you to read the entire article. Original title “Influenza di 6 ceppi di lievito nella composizione polifenolica di vini Barbera ottenuti con la tecnica dell’estrazione differita degli antociani”)