The precision viticulture concept is an important current topic especially for the Environment Round Table (Grenelle de l’environnement) in France. If improved productivity is one of the benefits of “Precision Viticulture”, then a decreased environmental impact is a linked objective. New Information and Communication Technologies (IT) have offered some solutions. The evaluation of plot variability as well heterogeneity gives indications which allow for better management. Research in this field is continually growing and has provided significant advancements in intra-plot management by using tools that are aerial or installed in fields or portable tools to give punctual sample measurements or even tools fitted on tractors to give take immediate measure during other tasks. The traceability of product applications is obligatory. Therefore, IT tools that facilitate the set-up and use of traceability workbooks provide solutions to fundamental quality issues. This article presents some of the aspects of these new advancements. Article presented at Enoforum, 21-23 April 2009, Piacenza, Italy
Abstract Vineyard yield forecasting is a key issue for vintage..
This presentation sponsored by A&P Inphatec, showcases field trial results..
The seasonal character of harvests limits winemaking considerably, especially oenological..