Following the successful launch of OENO One in 2016, an international scientific journal, the International Viticulture and Enology Society (IVES, launches its second online, Open Access journal, “IVES Technical Reviews, Vine & Wine” ( This journal is dedicated to the vine and wine sector.

The official ceremony will take place on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin [the Institute of Vine & Wine Science], University of Bordeaux (Villenave d’Ornon, France) in the presence of representatives from the universities and research institutes that constitute the academic members of IVES (

IVES is an international consortium of universities and research institutes that studies the vine and wine, whose mission it is to publish Open Access scientific and technical articles of the highest quality. IVES Technical Reviews is run by an editorial committee of more than 50 professionals and researchers. Every article published is analyzed by a scientist and a professional before publication, which is unprecedented for the sector. Another of the journal’s particularities is that it publishes each article in six languages (French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German) to reach an international readership.