The ability of several oenological fining agents to remove ochratoxin A (OTA) from red wine was studied. The adsorbents tested were activated sodium bentonite, egg albumin, allergen-free adsorbents (complex PVPP, plant protein and amorphous silica (complex) and high molecular weight gelatine), and the non-toxic biodegradable polymers (chitin and chitosan). Several dosages within the oenological use range were tested and the wine pH, colour parameters and polyphenol concentration impact associated with each fining agent were studied. Generally, OTA removal achieved in all treatments was higher when the adsorbent dosage increased, but the impact on wine quality also was higher. Chitin at 50 g hl−1 removed 18% the OTA without affecting significantly the wine-quality parameters. At the highest dosage tested the gelatine and complex treatments achieved greater OTA removal (up to 39–40%) compared with bentonite, egg albumin and chitin. Moreover, the gelatine and the complex had a lower impact on colour parameters and polyphenol concentration compared with chitosan, whilst OTA was reduced to around 40%. Chitosan achieved the greatest OTA removal (67%), but it strongly affected the wine-quality parameters. Otherwise, bentonite showed a relative efficiency to remove OTA, but the CI value decreased considerably. The egg albumin treatment only removed OTA up to 16% and moreover affected strongly the CI value and CIELab parameters. The results of this survey showed that the non-toxic chitin adsorbent and the allergen-free adsorbents tested could be considered as alternative fining agents to reduce OTA in red wine. (We recommend that you consult the full text of this article)