The Italian viticulture is distinguished by its marked variability in terms of cultivated varieties and clones. In the past, however, many native vines, often not very productive, have been replaced by more profitable varieties. This situation has led close to the extinction of many native cultivars. However, more recently, their oenological potential for the production of typical wines has renewed the interest on these grape vines.

Colorino, as its biotypes Abrostine and Abrusco, is an ancient Tuscan grape variety traditionally used to improve the colour of Sangiovese wines.

In this work some oenological aspects of three biotypes of Colorino preserved in the vineyard collection of CRA-VIC in Arezzo (Italy) are considered.

For three years grape samples of Colorino, Abrostine and Abrusco were analysed to compare their sugar content, total acidity, polyphenols, anthocyanins and anthocyanin profiles to Sangiovese. In 2014 the same grapes have been vinified and the wines have been analysed to define standard and phenolic parameters.

The results indicated only small differences between the samples, in particular, Colorino showed slightly higher percentages of malvin and p-coumarate anthocyanins.