Wine is a combination of many compounds, some of which can be found in excessive amounts. Separation techniques are used to “fraction” the wine, isolate certain compounds in order to eliminate or modify them and then reassemble the various fractions to give a better wine, from a sensory and analytic point of view. Bob Dambergs, from the Adelaide AWRI, southern Australia, presented at Enoforum 2009 a summary of the main separation techniques currently being used in New World wine producing countries and which have been recently approved for use in Europe. During the video seminar the operation and application of, ultra and nano-filtration, spinning cone columns (for alcohol reduction and sulfur elimination), reverse osmosis coupled with resin (to reduce volatile acidity), carbon (to eliminate brettanomyces or smoke defects), and pre-extraction membranes (to reduce wine alcohol) are described. Lenght 33 minutes For a better visualization of certain images in this presentation, it is advisable to download the pdf file of the accompanying slides (in english).


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