The postharvest dehydration process induces qualitative and quantitative changes in the chemical composition of the grapes. Furthermore, thermally processed biomaterials support a texture degradation closely related to enzymatic and non-enzymatic changes in the cell wall pectin.
The texture and composition are cultivar dependent, and are strongly related to the dehydration rate that is influenced by the thermohygrometric conditions used. Few works have been performed on the incidence of the mechanical properties of winegrapes on the postharvest dehydration process.
Therefore, the aims of this work were first to study the effect of the skin hardness of fresh grapes, the winegrape variety and the thermohygrometric conditions on the postharvest dehydration kinetics of the grape, and second to evaluate the possibility of using instrumental texture parameters to manage the off-vine withering process.
The paper reproduced in this video-seminar was presented at the 2013 International SIVE Awards “Research for Development” (8th edition of Enoforum; 7-9 maggio 2013, Arezzo, Italy)
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