In 2013, the total world area under vines  almost remained stable at 7436 kha
Since the end of the EU programme to regulate wine production potential, European vineyards have stopped decreasing and almost stayed at the same level as for the previous year at 3481 kha. Nevertheless, as in recent years, vineyards in China (+20 kha compared with the 2012 area under vines) and in South America (+3 kha in Argentina and 2 kha in Chile) have continued to increase. 
World wine production is on the increase, with 276.6 Mhl vinified
This global wine production corresponds to an increase of more than 21.8 Mhl compared with the 2012 production.
Italy produced close to 45 Mhl (excluding juice and musts) and Spain, having vinified 42.7 Mhl (also excluding juice and musts), should be the second largest wine producer in the world in 2013, followed by France with 42 Mhl.
The production was significant in the United States with 22 Mhl of wines (excluding juice and musts), in addition to a record production in Chile with 12.8 Mhl. Argentina returned to a wine production in line with its potential in 2013 (15 Mhl compared with 11.8 Mhl last year, which is +27%).
In South Africa, the vinified production reached a very high level at nearly 11 Mhl (compared with 10.6 Mhl in 2012, which is +4%). Australian production continued its recovery to reach 12.5 Mhl (+1%/2012) while New Zealand hit a new record of 2.5 Mhl after the previous 2011 record (2.35 Mhl).
However, the slight decrease of 2.1 Mhl in Chinese production (17.7 Mhl, which is -15% compared with the previous year) should be noted.

World consumption is stabilising
The long-awaited recovery that will mark the end of the financial and subsequently economic crisis, which began in 2008, is still to take place. The data available at this time of year indicates a level of 238.7 Mhl of wine consumed in the world.

For further information we recommend to download the original document from the OIV website