Quercetin is a flavonol with beneficial effects on human health (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-thrombotic, anticarcinogenic etc.); its absorption at gut level seems to be limited to the presence of its bioavailable forms (aglycon) and of alcohol. Sangiovese wines have a significantly higher levels of quercetin compared to other varieties like Cabernet and Merlot. The quercetin aglycon, at high concentration, can give origin to precipitation of sediments with characteristic shape. It is desirable to eliminate the risks of wine instability while maintaining a sufficiently high level of quercetin.

To study the phenomenum and identify technological solutions to be applied in the Tuscan wine production, the project QUE-STAB was started by Tuscan Region, funded through measure 16.2 of FEDER 2014-2020.

Responsible of the project is Col d’Orcia, the renowned producer in Montalcino, and partners are the Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino, and the service company ISVEA srl placed in Poggibonsi (SI); collaborate on the project the company VINIDEA, and prof. Moutounet Michel (ENSAM-INRA Montpellier) and Romani Annalisa (University of Florence) as scientific consultants.

The aim of QUE-STAB is to develop a monitoring system able to prevent and eliminate the risks of quality reduction and instability, mainly with reference to Quercetin. To that purpose, the two-year experimental plan foresees several laboratory tests and winery trials, with analytical and sensory evaluation of results.

Updates on project progress will be available on these columns.