A team from the Universitat Politècnica de València , Spain, developed a software that can reconstruct the grape berries of a bunch using three dimensional artificial visualization techniques hence allowing for an automatic evaluation of various parameters that determine wine grape quality during the harvest.
One of the factors that determines wine quality is the quality of the grapes, considered the raw material, however this concept is difficult to evaluate since it depends on subjective parameters, since there is minimal time available to complete field analyses during the harvest, as well as a lack of measurement equipment due to high costs and finally because of the mix of good and bad quality grapes brought in by the means of transport that arrive at the winery.
The introduction of this 3D reconstruction system for grapes allows for the evaluation of various grape bunch quality parameters in order to avoid such problems. One parameter is the average grape berry size, an important factor since it determines the ratio between the pulp and skin.
The results of this study have been published in the Food Control Journal.