Nathalia Edwards
Marco Razzauti
Roberto ZIRONI

Producers often have the bad habit of not placing enough importance on the malolactic fermentation. In fact, if lactic acid bacteria are not managed properly, they can lead to problems that include volatile acidity and/or biogenic amine formation.

Biogenic amines are molecules produced mainly by the decarboxylation of aminoacids by lactic acid bacteria. These compounds are toxic and allergenic, and for this reason some countries impose limits on their content in wines that are destined for exportation.

Roberto Zirone first describes the different aspects related to presence of these molecules in wines (formation, the importance of arginine, factors that lead to their presence in wines, toxicity, correlation with other wine compounds), and then offers a pratical way to control their formation.

After, Nathalia Edwards, highlights the importance of selected strain inoculation and bacteria concentration levels necessary to start the malolactic fermentation and hence avoid “risk zones” where there can be undesirable contaminations.

To conclude, after having analyzed the various market constraints, Marco Razzauti, summarizes the practices recommended by the OIV code of oenological pratices in order to reduce the presence of biogenic amines in wines.

The seminar reproduced in this video was presented at the 9th edition of Enoforum (Vicenza, Italy, 5-7 May 2015). Seminar sponsored by Vason Group – Chr. Hansen